A quick JavaScript solution directly from TinyMCE:
<script> // Prevent jQuery UI dialog from blocking focusin $(document).on('focusin', function(e) { if ($(event.target).closest(".mce-window").length) { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); } }); </script>
Technical blog with tips and tricks for everything and more...
This PowerShell script organizes and renames all photos in a selected folder using EXIF data. It will also create thumbnails of the images i...
<script> // Prevent jQuery UI dialog from blocking focusin $(document).on('focusin', function(e) { if ($(event.target).closest(".mce-window").length) { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); } }); </script>
<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <title>Bitstamp realtime trade ticket via WebSocket Pusher</title> <script src="http://js.pusher.com/2.2/pusher.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> // Enable pusher logging - don't include this in production Pusher.log = function(message) { if (window.console && window.console.log) { window.console.log(message); if (message.id !== undefined) { // window.console.log('id:' + message.id + ' price: ' + message.price + ' amount: ' + message.amount); } } }; // Bitstamp Live Ticker var pusher = new Pusher('de504dc5763aeef9ff52'); var channel = pusher.subscribe('live_trades'); channel.bind('trade', function(data) { window.console.log('id:' + data.id + ' price: ' + data.price + ' amount: ' + data.amount); }); </script> </head>
# ============================================================================================== # # Microsoft PowerShell Source File # # This script will organize photo and video files by renaming the file based on the date the # file was created and moving them into folders based on the year and month. It will also append # an index number to the end of the file name just to avoid name collisions. The script will # look in the SourceRootPath (recursing through all subdirectories) for any files matching # the extensions in FileTypesToOrganize. It will rename the files and move them to folders under # DestinationRootPath, e.g. DestinationRootPath\2011\02_February\2011-02-09_21-41-47_680.jpg # # JPG files contain EXIF data which has a DateTaken value. Other media files have a MediaCreated # date. # # The code for extracting the EXIF DateTaken is based on a script by Kim Oppalfens: # http://blogcastrepository.com/blogs/kim_oppalfenss_systems_management_ideas/archive/2007/12/02/organize-your-digital-photos-into-folders-using-powershell-and-exif-data.aspx # ============================================================================================== # Modified by Brock Hensley brock@brockhensley.com # - Prompts for many options (source/destination folders, label, thumbnail sizes (multiple at once even)) # - Resize thumbnail rotates orientation appropriately # - Named by incremental number instead of random number # - Ability to apply time fix for multiple cameras with out of sync clocks # ============================================================================================== [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile("C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\System.Drawing.dll") function Select-Folder($message='Select folder', $path = 0) { $object = New-Object -comObject Shell.Application $folder = $object.BrowseForFolder(0, $message, 0, $path) if ($folder -ne $null) { return $folder.self.Path } } # Defaults $FileTypesToOrganize = @("*.jpg","*.jpeg") # Prompts to override defaults $Label = "" $prompt = Read-Host "What to name files (default is date taken timestamp + index#: YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS_x#)" if ($prompt -ne $null -and $prompt -ne "") {$Label = $prompt} $Index = 10000 $prompt = Read-Host "Index starting number (default: $Index)" if ($prompt -ne $null -and $prompt -ne "") { $Index = [Convert]::ToInt32($prompt) } $SourceRootPath = "C:\UnsortedPhotos" $prompt = Select-Folder "Select source folder (default: $SourceRootPath )" if ($prompt -ne $null -and $prompt -ne "") {$SourceRootPath = $prompt} $DestinationRootPath = "C:\SortedPhotos" $prompt = Select-Folder "Select destination folder (default: $DestinationRootPath )" if ($prompt -ne $null -and $prompt -ne "") {$DestinationRootPath = $prompt} $CopyRenameOrig = $true $prompt = Read-Host "Copy and Rename originals by date? ([y]/n)" if ($prompt -ne $null -and $prompt -ne "" -and $prompt.ToLower() -eq "n") { $CopyRenameOrig = $false } $CreateThumb = $true $prompt = Read-Host "Create thumbnails? ([y]/n)" if ($prompt -ne $null -and $prompt -ne "" -and $prompt.ToLower() -eq "n") { $CreateThumb = $false } if ($CreateThumb -eq $true) { $ThumbSizes = "128, 256, 512, 1024" Write-Host "Enter thumbnail sizes to create in comma seperated list. Default:" $ThumbSizes Write-Host "or enter N to skip creating thumbnails" $prompt = Read-Host "Thumbnail sizes" if ($prompt -ne $null -and $prompt -ne "") { if ($prompt.ToLower() -eq "n") { $CreateThumb = $false } else { $ThumbSizes = $prompt } } } # Functions function GetMediaCreatedDate($File) { $Shell = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application $Folder = $Shell.Namespace($File.DirectoryName) $CreatedDate = $Folder.GetDetailsOf($Folder.Parsename($File.Name), 191).Replace([char]8206, ' ').Replace([char]8207, ' ') if (($CreatedDate -as [DateTime]) -ne $null) { return [DateTime]::Parse($CreatedDate) } else { return $null } } function ConvertAsciiArrayToString($CharArray) { $ReturnVal = "" foreach ($Char in $CharArray) { $ReturnVal += [char]$Char } return $ReturnVal } function GetExifDateTaken($File) { $FileDetail = New-Object -TypeName System.Drawing.Bitmap -ArgumentList $File.Fullname if ($FileDetail -ne $null) { $DateTimePropertyItem = $FileDetail.GetPropertyItem(36867) $FileDetail.Dispose() } if ($DateTimePropertyItem -eq $null) { return $null } $Year = ConvertAsciiArrayToString $DateTimePropertyItem.value[0..3] $Month = ConvertAsciiArrayToString $DateTimePropertyItem.value[5..6] $Day = ConvertAsciiArrayToString $DateTimePropertyItem.value[8..9] $Hour = ConvertAsciiArrayToString $DateTimePropertyItem.value[11..12] $Minute = ConvertAsciiArrayToString $DateTimePropertyItem.value[14..15] $Second = ConvertAsciiArrayToString $DateTimePropertyItem.value[17..18] # CameraA and CameraB taking pictures of same event # ...CameraB timestamps don't match CameraA due to DST etc. # Set $timefix to $true to make adustments here # otherwise by default this should be set to $false $timefix = $false if ($timefix -eq $true) { $Hour = ([Convert]::ToInt32($Hour) + 1).ToString() $Minute = ([Convert]::ToInt32($Minute) - 18).ToString() } $DateString = [String]::Format("{0}-{1}-{2} {3}:{4}:{5}", $Year, $Month, $Day, $Hour, $Minute, $Second).Trim() if (($DateString -as [DateTime]) -ne $null) { return [DateTime]::Parse($DateString) } else { return $null } } function GetCreationDate($File) { if ($File.Extension.ToLower() -eq ".jpg" -or $File.Extension.ToLower() -eq ".jpeg") { $CreationDate = GetExifDateTaken($File) } else { $CreationDate = GetMediaCreatedDate($File) } return $CreationDate } function BuildDesinationPath($Path, $Date) { return [String]::Format("{0}\{1}\{2}_{3}", $Path, $Date.Year, $Date.ToString("MM"), $Date.ToString("MMMM")) } function BuildThumbDesinationPath($Path, $Date, $ThumbSizeLabel) { return [String]::Format("{0}\{1}\{2}_{3}\thumbs\{4}", $Path, $Date.Year, $Date.ToString("MM"), $Date.ToString("MMMM"), $ThumbSizeLabel) } function BuildNewFilePath($Path, $Date, $Extension, $Index, $Label) { if ($Label -eq "") {$Label = $Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss")} return [String]::Format("{0}\{1}_x{2}{3}", $Path, $Label, $Index, $Extension.ToLower()) if ($Label -ne "") { return [String]::Format("{0}\{1}_x{2}{3}", $Path, $Label, $Index, $Extension.ToLower()) } return [String]::Format("{0}\{1}_x{2}{3}", $Path, $Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss"), $Index, $Extension.ToLower()) } function BuildThumbFilePath($Path, $Date, $Extension, $Size, $Index, $Label) { if ($Label -eq "") {$Label = $Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss")} return [String]::Format("{0}\thumbs\{5}\{1}_x{2}_{3}{4}", $Path, $Label, $Index, $Size, $Extension.ToLower(), $Size) } function ScaleImage($image, $maxWidth, $maxHeight) { try { $prop = $image.GetPropertyItem(274) } catch {} if ($prop -ne $null) { $orientation = [int]$prop.Value[0]; } else { $orientation = 1 } switch ($orientation) { 1 { # No rotation required. break; } 2 { $image.RotateFlip("RotateNoneFlipX"); break; } 3 { $image.RotateFlip("Rotate180FlipNone"); break; } 4 { $image.RotateFlip("Rotate180FlipX"); break; } 5 { $image.RotateFlip("Rotate90FlipX"); break; } 6 { $image.RotateFlip("Rotate90FlipNone"); break; } 7 { $image.RotateFlip("Rotate270FlipX"); break; } 8 { $image.RotateFlip("Rotate270FlipNone"); break; } } [Double]$ratioX = $maxWidth / $image.Width; [Double]$ratioY = $maxHeight / $image.Height; $ratio = [System.Math]::Min($ratioX, $ratioY); [int]$newWidth = $image.Width * $ratio; [int]$newHeight = $image.Height * $ratio; # Now calculate the X,Y position of the upper-left corner (one of these will always be zero) [int]$posX = [Convert]::ToInt32(($maxWidth - ($image.Height * $ratio)) / 2); [int]$posY = [Convert]::ToInt32(($maxHeight - ($image.Width * $ratio)) / 2); Write-Host -NoNewline " "$newWidth"x"$newHeight $newImage = New-Object -TypeName System.Drawing.Bitmap -ArgumentList $newWidth,$newHeight $g=[System.Drawing.Graphics]::FromImage($newImage); $g.InterpolationMode = [System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode]::HighQualityBicubic # use high quality resize algorythm $g.SmoothingMode = [System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode]::HighQuality $g.PixelOffsetMode = [System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PixelOffsetMode]::HighQuality $g.CompositingQuality = [System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingQuality]::HighQuality $g.Clear([System.Drawing.Color]::White) $g.DrawImage($image, 0, 0, $newWidth, $newHeight) return $newImage; } function CreateDirectory($Path){ if (!(Test-Path $Path)) { New-Item $Path -Type Directory | Out-Null } } function ConfirmContinueProcessing() { $Response = Read-Host "Continue? (Y/N)" if ($Response.Substring(0,1).ToUpper() -ne "Y") { break } } # Begin $StartTime = Get-Date Write-Host "*Begin" $StartTime $Files = Get-ChildItem $SourceRootPath -Recurse -Include $FileTypesToOrganize $Count = 0 $Existing = 0 $ThumbCount = 0 $ExistingThumb = 0 $Unknown = 0 $LastCreationDate = $null foreach ($File in $Files) { $CreationDate = GetCreationDate($File) if ($CreationDate -eq $null -or ($CreationDate -as [DateTime]) -eq $null) { $Unknown++ Write-Host " Unable to determine creation date of file. " $File.FullName if ($LastCreationDate -eq $null) { $CreationDate = [DateTime]::Now } else { $CreationDate = $LastCreationDate } Write-Host " (borrowing creation date: " $CreationDate " )" #ConfirmContinueProcessing } $LastCreationDate = $CreationDate $DestinationPath = BuildDesinationPath $DestinationRootPath $CreationDate CreateDirectory $DestinationPath $NewFilePath = BuildNewFilePath $DestinationPath $CreationDate $File.Extension $Index $Label Write-Host "" Write-Host "" Write-Host "[Orig] " $File.FullName Write-Host "--New: " $NewFilePath if ($CopyRenameOrig -eq $true) { if (Test-Path $NewFilePath) { $Existing++ Write-Host " -- **** (skipping) Unable to make file. File already exists: $NewFilePath ****" #ConfirmContinueProcessing } else { Copy-Item $File.FullName $NewFilePath $Count++ } } if ($CreateThumb -eq $true) { Write-Host " -- Creating thumbnails: " -NoNewline $ThumbSizes.Split(",") | ForEach { $ThumbSize = $_.Trim(); $ThumbSizeLabel = $ThumbSize + "x" + $ThumbSize $DestinationThumbPath = BuildThumbDesinationPath $DestinationRootPath $CreationDate $ThumbSizeLabel CreateDirectory $DestinationThumbPath $ThumbFilePath = BuildThumbFilePath $DestinationPath $CreationDate $File.Extension $ThumbSizeLabel $Index $Label if (Test-Path $ThumbFilePath) { $ExistingThumb++; Write-Host " -- **** (skipping thumb: $ThumbFilePath) ****" } else { $full = [System.Drawing.Image]::FromFile($File.FullName); $newImage = ScaleImage $full $ThumbSize $ThumbSize #Encoder parameter for image quality $myEncoder = [System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder]::Quality $encoderParams = New-Object System.Drawing.Imaging.EncoderParameters(1) $encoderParams.Param[0] = New-Object System.Drawing.Imaging.EncoderParameter($myEncoder, 100) # get codec $myImageCodecInfo = [System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageCodecInfo]::GetImageEncoders()|where {$_.MimeType -eq 'image/jpeg'} if ($newImage -ne $null){ $newImage.Save($ThumbFilePath, $myImageCodecInfo, $($encoderParams)); } $full.Dispose(); if ($newImage -ne $null){$newImage.Dispose();} } $ThumbCount++ } } $Index++ } $TimeSpan = New-TimeSpan $StartTime (Get-Date) Write-Host "" Write-Host "**** Done! Total:" $Count " Existing (skipped):" $Existing " Unknown dates:" $Unknown " Duration:" $TimeSpan.Minutes"min " $TimeSpan.Seconds "sec"
LoadModule fcgid_module modules/mod_fcgid.so # Where is your php.ini file? FcgidInitialEnv PHPRC "E:/Services/PHP/php-5.5.12-nts-Win32-VC11-x86" AddHandler fcgid-script .php FcgidWrapper "E:/Services/PHP/php-5.5.12-nts-Win32-VC11-x86/php-cgi.exe" .php
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
<VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin admin@test.com DocumentRoot "E:/Projects/test.com/public_html" ServerName dev.test.com ServerAlias dev.test.org dev.test.net ErrorLog "E:/Projects/test.com/logs/error.log" CustomLog "E:/Projects/test.com/logs/access.log" common DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.php <Directory "E:/Projects/test.com/private"> Options All AllowOverride All Require all granted </Directory> <Directory "E:/Projects/test.com/public_html"> Options All AllowOverride All Require all granted </Directory> </VirtualHost>
; XDebug zend_extension="E:\Services\PHP\php-5.5.12-nts-Win32-VC11-x86\ext\php_xdebug-2.2.5-5.5-vc11-nts.dll" ; XDebug Recommended settings: xdebug.remote_enable=1 xdebug.remote_handler=dbgp xdebug.remote_mode=req xdebug.default_enable=1 xdebug.auto_trace=on xdebug.remote_log="E:\Services\XDebug.log" xdebug.extended_info=1 ; XDebug Remote Host/Port is where this server will try to send debug info to xdebug.remote_host= xdebug.remote_port=9000 xdebug.idekey="netbeans-xdebug" ; XDebug These adjust the truncating limits of the var_dump data xdebug.var_display_max_children=-1 xdebug.var_display_max_data=-1 xdebug.var_display_max_depth=-1
cd /home/myuser/public_html/
drush pm-update
sh-4.1$ drush pm-update Name Installed Version Proposed version Message Drupal 7.26 7.27 SECURITY UPDATE available Update information last refreshed: Wed, 05/07/2014 - 04:32 Code updates will be made to drupal core. WARNING: Updating core will discard any modifications made to Drupal core files, most noteworthy among these are .htaccess and robots.txt. If you have made any modifications to these files, please back them up before updating so that you can re-create your modifications in the updated version of the file. Note: Updating core can potentially break your site. It is NOT recommended to update production sites without prior testing. Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y Project drupal was updated successfully. Installed version is now 7.27. Backups were saved into the directory /home/myuser/drush-backups/mysite/20140507150101/drupal. [ok] No database updates required [success] 'all' cache was cleared. [success] Finished performing updates. [ok]
Check if PEAR is on the server:
pear version
If PEAR is not on the server then install using yum:
yum install php-pear
Prepare PEAR
sudo pear channel-discover pear.drush.org
sudo pear install drush/drush
// using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Wmi; public static void SetStaticPort(string ServiceName = "MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS", string InstanceName = "SQLEXPRESS", int PortNumber = 2433) { try { ManagedComputer c = new ManagedComputer(); c.ConnectionSettings.ProviderArchitecture = ProviderArchitecture.Use32bit; int count = 0; foreach (ServerInstance si in c.ServerInstances) { count++; } if (count == 0) { c = new ManagedComputer(); c.ConnectionSettings.ProviderArchitecture = ProviderArchitecture.Use64bit; foreach (ServerInstance si in c.ServerInstances) { count++; } } if (count == 0) throw new Exception("Unable to locate SQL Instances, Please contact support."); Service svc = c.Services[ServiceName]; var state = svc.ServiceState; if (state == ServiceState.Running) svc.Stop(); ServerInstance s = c.ServerInstances[InstanceName]; if (null == s) throw new Exception("Unable to locate SQL Service, Please contact support."); ServerProtocol prot = s.ServerProtocols["Tcp"]; foreach (ServerIPAddress ip in prot.IPAddresses) { if (ip.Name == "IPAll") { ip.IPAddressProperties["TcpPort"].Value = PortNumber.ToString(); ip.IPAddressProperties["TcpDynamicPorts"].Value = String.Empty; } } prot.Alter(); svc.Start(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } }
catch (ChangeConflictException cce) { // Where DB is your database context foreach (ObjectChangeConflict occ in DB.ChangeConflicts) { MetaTable metatable = DB.Mapping.GetTable(occ.Object.GetType()); Debug.WriteLine("\nTable name: " + metatable.TableName); foreach (MemberChangeConflict mcc in occ.MemberConflicts) { Debug.WriteLine("Member: " + mcc.Member); Debug.WriteLine("\tCurrent value: " + mcc.CurrentValue); Debug.WriteLine("\tOriginal value: " + mcc.OriginalValue); Debug.WriteLine("\tDatabase value: " + mcc.DatabaseValue); } } throw; }