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Organize and rename photos by EXIF data with PowerShell

This PowerShell script organizes and renames all photos in a selected folder using EXIF data. It will also create thumbnails of the images i...

Friday, May 2, 2014

Configure SQL Server IPAll Static Port using C#

Note: You will need to add references for a few Microsoft.SqlServer dll's
        // using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Wmi;
        public static void SetStaticPort(string ServiceName = "MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS", string InstanceName = "SQLEXPRESS", int PortNumber = 2433)
                ManagedComputer c = new ManagedComputer();
                c.ConnectionSettings.ProviderArchitecture = ProviderArchitecture.Use32bit;

                int count = 0;
                foreach (ServerInstance si in c.ServerInstances) { count++; }

                if (count == 0)
                    c = new ManagedComputer();
                    c.ConnectionSettings.ProviderArchitecture = ProviderArchitecture.Use64bit;
                    foreach (ServerInstance si in c.ServerInstances) { count++; }

                if (count == 0) throw new Exception("Unable to locate SQL Instances, Please contact support.");

                Service svc = c.Services[ServiceName];
                var state = svc.ServiceState;
                if (state == ServiceState.Running) svc.Stop();
                ServerInstance s = c.ServerInstances[InstanceName];

                if (null == s) throw new Exception("Unable to locate SQL Service, Please contact support.");

                ServerProtocol prot = s.ServerProtocols["Tcp"];

                foreach (ServerIPAddress ip in prot.IPAddresses)
                    if (ip.Name == "IPAll")
                        ip.IPAddressProperties["TcpPort"].Value = PortNumber.ToString();
                        ip.IPAddressProperties["TcpDynamicPorts"].Value = String.Empty;


            catch (Exception ex)

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