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Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Myth Around 32-bit SQL Server Instances on 64-bit Operating Systems, and AWE

"AWE in fact does nothing on 64-bit instances of SQL Server. But on WOW64 - Windows on Windows 64-bit, the subsystem of Windows x64 that allows you to run 32-bit processes and instances of SQL Server, AWE does allow you to address memory above 4Gb."

Side note: AWE is now deprecated - removed in SQL Server 2012. The last version of SQL Server that supports AWE is SQL Server 2008 R2. Because of this, a SQL Server 2012 x86 instance won’t be able to enjoy over 4Gb of memory – even if running on WOW64.

Source: http://sqlblog.com/blogs/argenis_fernandez/archive/2012/12/30/the-myth-around-32-bit-sql-server-instances-on-64-bit-operating-systems-and-awe.aspx

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